TEDx Glasgow 2018 Event Photography
Being the Lead Photographer for TEDx Glasgow is easily one of my favourite jobs each year. I'm privileged to be able to photograph some amazing speakers each year in Glasgow, among one of the most enthusiastic and passionate of audiences.
This year TEDx Glasgow returned to the SEC Armadillo on Friday 1st June to explore the theme ‘Rethink…‘
Below are some of my favourite images from the event, linked to the talk associated with the image. Enjoy.
If you want to find out more information about TEDx Glasgow, click here - www.tedxglasgow.com
Putting the “Public” in Public Institutions | Andy Haldane | TEDxGlasgow
Public institutions, such as the Bank of England, were created by the public for the public. Yet public trust in, and understanding of, these public institutions has been eroded, including by the financial crisis. How are these deficits of trust and understanding among the public to be closed and the legitimacy of public institutions thereby restored?
Working well in the 21st century | Kirsty Wark | TEDxGlasgow
The world of work is changing rapidly, but by present measures the UK's productivity is woeful, and yet we work long hours. Something's not working. Kirsty will be building on research and the evidence of other countries to suggest that 4 days of work can be more productive than 5.
Cancer. Crossing the incurable sea. | Jack Kreindler | TEDxGlasgow
Our approach to aggressive cancers and the diseases of aging needs to be transformed. They are complex 'systems biology' problems, impenetrable to cure. They often leave patients and loved ones without hope. We must rethink how we study and treat them, collaboratively. The current model - risk averse, do no harm, incremental change through expensive trials.
How we can help technology to be good | David Webster | TEDxGlasgow
Creativity x Technology = Impact. Every single human is capable of being creative. Technology is providing us with the most powerful tools in history. The world needs all of us to choose to do something positive with that. But technology can often be a problem as well.
Let's get the nation talking about menstruation | Victoria Heaney | TEDxGlasgow
With her research into period poverty uncovering shocking statistics around the spread and depth of the problem right here in our country, Victoria wants to challenge us to not only rethink menstruation but to start talking about it. You could say that she is a woman on a menstrual justice mission.
Our world is changing & so should we: A story to promote positive change | Roie Galitz | TEDxGlasgow
Picture this - it's a nice chilly evening, let's say 40 years from now. You're sitting next to your grandchild, reading her favourite bedtime story. Her big eyes shine with delight as you tell the tale of huge magnificent creatures who once roamed our world.